Celebrating the Life of Nancy Hatch Dupree

Celebrating the Life of Nancy Hatch Dupree

تاریخ نشر سپتامبر 22 2018

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Afghanistan Centre at Kabul University (ACKU) celebrated the Life of Nancy Hatch Dupree, known as the grandmother of Afghanistan, who dedicated over 50 years of her life documenting and preserving Afghanistan’s cultural heritage. In this program ACKU director Abdul Waheed Wafa greeted the audience and then Dr. Hamidullah Faruqi, Kabul University Chancellor was invited to speak about all the services that Nancy provided for Afghanistan especially in Kabul University through ACKU establishment. Following to that Nancy’s friends such as Dr. Nazif Shahrani from indiana University, Dr. Margret Mills from Ohio State University, Dr. Sharif Fayez from AUAF, Hassina Sherjan and Jolyon Leslie, board members of ACKU shared the memories they had when they worked with Nancy and they spoke about the impact and importance of what Nancy did for Afghanistan in the past 50 years of her life.

Afghanistan Center at Kabul University (ACKU) that was established by Nancy Hatch Dupree, now serves as one of the elite libraries and research organizations through its rich collection of books, articles, magazines, maps newspapers as well as audios and videos all related to Afghanistan.

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