Nancy Dupree Honored and Recognized by MOHE

Nancy Dupree Honored and Recognized by MOHE

تاریخ نشر جولای 08 2018

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The Ministry of Higher Education, Afghanistan proudly recognized and extended heartfelt gratitude for the excellent service done by Nancy Hatch Dupree. On 23 May, 2106 this special occasion was beautified with the presence of the Hon. Minister Ms. Farida Mohmand, Minister of Higher Education.

Hon. Minister Mohmand expressed a warm welcome and presented a brief summary of Nancy Duprees’s life in Afghanistan, about her service to preserving Afghan culture and also about ACKU. In her speech she said ‘Ms. Dupree stays in Afghanistan for more than fifty years and doing research in different arena – social, historical and cultural subjects about Afghanistan; she knows Afghanistan as country with dignity and its history with honor.’ She also mentioned about ACKU and Nancy’s efforts for preserving cultural heritage of Afghanistan. Hon. Minister Farida recalled a say of Nancy “Kabul Museum in very dear to me; it is very hurtful to see when people looting Kabul Museum – the country is so rich in its history and culture – put a shovel anywhere and you will comeback with something”

Hon. Minister Mohmand, then presented Nancy Dupree a beautiful silk chadar and a necklace along with a certificate of recognition award. Then Nancy Dupree addressed the audience with much pleasure and feelings. In her brief speech she spoke about the long history of ACKU, beginning in Peshawar, Pakistan and now established inside Kabul University containing more than 100,000 documents all about Afghanistan. She added how and the nucleus of current ACKU was seeded

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