A collection of exquisite books of the late professor Ismail Akbar was placed in the archives of the Afghanistan Information Center for cataloging, archiving and generalization. More than 3114 book volumes – which include 2552 book titles – were transferred from a house in the west of Kabul to Afghanistan Information Center ACKU with the efforts and support of the professor’s family.
The physical condition of the books shows that these books were probably collected by the master during more than four decades and it seems that master Akbar himself, his family, children, students and young people who were thirsty for human knowledge and knowledge, this diverse and exquisite collection have read many times.
In terms of subject matter, these books are extremely diverse and rich in content. Books in the field of history, philosophy, interpretation, literature, mysticism, religions – especially books related to the field of Islamology, magazines and collections of articles are included in this precious collection.
Another feature of these books is the variety of languages. Books in Persian, Pashto, Arabic, English and some other languages of the world can be seen in this collection.
With a cursory look at the list of authors, we come to the conclusion that Professor Ismail Akbar had a deep look at the philosophical, literary, social and political works of the world – he obsessively collected all the works of the world’s most prominent writers and kept them in his personal library. The works of Karl Marx, prominent intellectual figures of the Frankfurt school, Arab-speaking religious intellectuals, prominent works of left-wing writers, existentialist philosophers, Persian-language writers, etc., all indicate that the late master studied the treasure of human knowledge with complete diversity and perhaps be less influenced by opinions and ideas raised. He had his own method and character in the way of political-revolutionary and cultural struggles.
While thanking the family of the late Ismail Akbar for donating this valuable collection, the leadership board of the Afghanistan Information Center is committed to preserving and preserving these works. After cataloging, make the books available to those interested for public use.