In Small Things Remembered

In Small Things Remembered

تاریخ نشر جولای 08 2018

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Afghanistan Centre at Kabul University (ACKU) hosted the photographic exhibition “In Small Things Remembered” on October 5, 2016. Mr. Waheed Wafa, the Executive Director of ACKU warmly welcomed the audience and spoke in brief about the exhibition. As Mr. David Sidney, the Acting President and the special guest could not take part in the opening of this beautiful exhibition, Mrs. Sarah Zeller, a Professor of the American University of Afghanistan took part on behalf of Mr. Sidney and delivered his message.

Mr. Sidney’s message had some of his life experiences in Kabul relating U.S. – Afghan relationships. Mrs. Sarah read that “Education and outreach programs by the US beginning in the 50s had a dramatic effect on society and economy through the 70s due to Afghan government’s call for teachers, doctors and vocational instructors. The United States Information Service Library and Cultural Center in Kabul inspired Afghan journalists to develop radio and television programming and Pan American Airlines partnered with Ariana Afghan Airlines to train pilots and flight attendants”.

Dr. Rohullah Amin, the Director of American Institute of Afghanistan Studies, was then invited to deliver his speech about aid in Afghanistan.  Dr. Amin delivered a fascinating speech in Dari. Dr. Amin said that “in order to recognize the relationships among two countries we must refer to three categories of relationship such as government – government, business – business and individual – individual. He further elaborated these three relationships in his speech, referring to examples and his experiences.

Mrs. Nancy Dupree, then spoke about the importance of small projects needs to be done in Afghanistan. She believes that the majority of younger generations do not know much about Afghanistan which leads them to have no sense of belonging towards Afghanistan. She emphasized young generation to learn about History of Afghanistan to re-build ongoing state building in Afghanistan.

This remarkable opening program ended with a lively question – answer session, where students asked several questions indicating their interest towards the exhibition.

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