The spread of COVID-19 Virus has led to the closure of schools, universities, libraries and other educational institutions in Afghanistan. While, on the one hand, the children who have been staying home from the past few months have been deprived of the educational and recreational opportunities; the severe economic crisis and the deterioration in the living conditions of families have psychologically affected children on the other. To help children overcome this, ACKU launched its door-to-door campaign and began distributing ABLE books/reading materials to children and adolescents. Over the past four months, ACKU has distributed more than 10,000 copies of books through this campaign for children in Kabul and other provinces of the country. In the next three months, ACKU plans to distribute additional 48,000 books.
Similarly, ACKU is making an attempt to publish 30,000 copies of 15 storybooks for children in three local languages (Farsi-Dari, Pashto and Uzbeki) through its GlobalGiving project “Provide Books to 30,000 Children in Aghanistan.” To achieve this goal, we need your support. Each dollar you donate can change a child’s life, even in the remotest part of Afghanistan, by helping him/her get access to the reading materials. These books with positive messages can make a huge difference on how a child perceives life and his/her surrounding. To know more about our project and provide your generous support, please click here.